American Ponzu Magic
American Ponzu Magic
Ponzu is one of the best dipping sauces made with Japanese Citruses such as yazu, daidai, kabosu, and sudachi. In general, when the Japanese mention Ponzu, they are referring to Yuzu Ponzudhoyu, made from soy sauce, rice vinegar, dashi broth, mirin and citrus fruits.
Kazu's ponzu, called American Ponzu Magic, uses Florida Oranges and Lemons instead of Japanese Citrus fruits. The American Ponzu Magic is a versatile sauce that can be used as a condiment or dressing. It can be used for steamed, boiled, grilled and fried dishes (vegetables, fish, chicken, meat, noodle dumplings and more). You can also make a gourmet hot and sour soup too. Zesty, tangy and with a smooth, mild taste.
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